Loaded for bear! 5 tips to increase accessibility in your world

Who makes the world accessible? We do! How does that happen? Here are five tips on how to make your world a more accessible place...
- Travel in packs: I very rarely go anywhere alone. I’m an extrovert, so I love this! I also can’t really do much on my own, so it works out. I’ve realized the profound need for collaboration to make the world accessible.
- Loaded for bear: I’m from the south, where people say, “We’re loaded for bear!” It means being ready for anything. When you’re out and about, be ready for curbs, steps, gravel, grass, oblivious people, so that when you do come across them, you’re not caught off guard. But I’m also talking about a mindset.
- Flexible time: So much of accessibility has to do with time. Don’t just allow yourself extra time – actually allow for flexibility of that time. Just roll with it.
- It’ll look different: Similar to time, your experiences need to be flexible. It may not look exactly like you dreamed, but how close can you get to the heart of that dream? That’s the beautiful part.
- Go for it: The best advice I can give for making the world accessible is to just go out and live in it. The reason places aren’t accessible is because they haven’t needed to be, so go there if you want to, and while you’re there, help find ways to make it accessible.